Dear Nature - A Longing

Here is a little ode to Mother Nature ♡

Dear Nature,
It would be a pleasure to know you. 

When I’m long gone, will you still remember me? Will you remember my essence or will you remember only the tender warmth and kindness you gave to my solitude-longing soul? 

I like to imagine you as a person sometimes; tresses flowing like the slow-crashing waves of the ocean, limbs as smooth as the aspen trees and adornments made of the most exquisite things of beauty found in your midst, but most of all, I like to imagine your personality. Just as you are sometimes as gentle and patient as a mother is to her newborn cubs, and sometimes as fierce as hell raining down, would the same reflect in your posture, thoughts, and attitude? Would you explain to us our mistakes and where we went wrong or would you destroy us for our impertinence? What would you say to those who slowly poison your roots, not having another way of living day-to-day and what would you say to those who have both the time and resources to heal others' mistakes? I wonder. 

It is through this forever aching duality that I try to learn your ways and better myself. For in your ways lie the answers. Tolerant and giving like the trees, deep and strong like their roots, aglow like the stars, mighty like the mountains, beautiful like your flowers and pearls, bold and brave like the crashing waves, casual and accepting like the changing winds; I aspire to be like it all. To be in sync with your motions is what I have long-longed. So when I’m long gone, will you still remember me? 

It’s been a pleasure knowing you. 


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