I pondered on the rocks...

I pondered on the rocks

Situated in the sea,

Will my life turn as fleeting

As an artificial reef?

I pondered on the rocks

Standing tall on the hill,

If I screamed all my sorrows

Would they echo back still?

I pondered on the rocks

Deep in the forest,

How will light touch everything

Even in the heart's darkest?

I pondered on the rocks

High up in the mountains,

How liberating it must feel

To see all with a clear lens?

I pondered on the rocks

Made of clouds in the sky,

What's it like to be perfect,

Blemish-less in every eye?

I pondered on the rocks

In my own little garden,

The weight of one's existence,

Questions can crush a soul irregardless,

I pondered on the rocks...



  1. WOW! That's beautifully written buddy..

    1. Omg thank you! Means a lot ๐ŸŽ€

  2. Very thought provoking poem... Are rocks hard hearted or do they still possess some feelings........?


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