๐Ÿ“šTis what a Library is meant๐Ÿ“š

Tis what a library is meant

To bring the aroma of a new-found book

Starting a dream and filling it with

A new-found joy, a new-found hope

Tis what a library is meant 

To bring imagination of every sort

A huge room filled with everything

Not ordinary books and notes

Tis what a library is meant 

To bring creativity in every quote

Spilling through all kinds of minds

Kindling all kinds of witty retorts

Tis what a library is meant 

To bring a reality and so much more

Can you not feel the coursing energy

From the written words to your core?

Tis what a library is meant

To bring; it shelters thought and opens doors

To each person a unique thing

Doesn't matter whether rich or poor

Tis what a library is meant

To bring, as a lovely home to books

A quiet calm surrounds its being

But the inner child dances in every nook

So I implore you, guarantor you

Get a library as big as your mind

It's vastness is a little awareness

Of all the things a library is meant to bring



  1. ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ˜skillssss

    1. The skill chooses the muggle (The wand chooses the wizard but I can't go around explaining that to muggles)๐Ÿ˜œ

  2. I am literally awestruck by your poem...
    Hats off to you!!!
    I felt like I was standing in a huge library filled with thousands of books and smell the scent of books...wow....

    1. My purpose has been served๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜Š


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