💜Snippets💜 - When the Music Flows

 When the Music Flows

The music whisked her to a faraway place. Each time she cranked up the volume, she momentarily forgot her miseries. It was a place she could be herself. The music she listened to depended on her varying moods. Somedays it was loud and happy and on other days, calm or sullen. Here, she could sing and dance and clap her hands in glee and no one would even notice! She could be whoever she wanted to be. As the music poured into her ears, she constructed a wild infrastructure around her; each note and beat representing a different yet essential piece of the architecture. Gardens and valleys, mountains and domes, creeks flowing through the swathes of land and large windows to gaze through. In other words, it was her imaginary getaway. It crumbled to dust every time the music ended, but she was more than happy to reconstruct every time a new beat came through. It was quite hard the first few times, but soon it became easier until it flowed, without her consciously thinking about it. In reality, she was just closing her eyes; in her mind, she was in a whole new world.


  1. Very true!!!

    'Sometimes music is the only medicine our heart and soul needs'


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