October was just here
How come its gone
The days pass quickly
Dusk till dawn
Life just seems
To go on and on
Ya, these poems
May all look the same
But deep down inside
The emotions have a place
Buried underneath
Just waiting to surface
On a completely different note
I miss running around
Wide-stretched hallways
Even on school ground
Atleast I have my sister
To keep me some company
Diwali is coming
'Festive spirit' mode ON
I'm ready
"Yo suckers!
I have a sister, you do not.
I will live, you may not."
My sister's goals haha
I know that was random
But "bear" with me please
Some things are, you know
Just meant to be
Signing off now
I'll be back for December
With more to say
The trail goes onward
This is amazingly done!