September dances gracefully in
My birthday is coming,
But where is my jinn?
Dodo gets me boots and a dress,
I'm rocking, the air
Around me is fresh
Don't you worry bout a thing
I know where I am needed
I know where I'm heading
And I will succeed it
17th is here, 17th shall pass
Sweet 16 too will not forever last
Change of personality,
Having completely moved on,
The "bear" necessities
Could soon be my flaws
LOL I'm just kidding
Cause that was a joke
If you fell for that,
Wait for the hoax
Hyper then gloom
From the sadness sprouts a bloom
Iwwitating Pigmuffins
Cue the dramatic appearance
Cheesecake ta daaa
A surprise now ruined
What is the gist
You exasperatedly ask
A super long stanza
Be patient it shall pass
So much to say, so much to do
How to divide the time
If only I knew!!
Friends disguised as Strangers and now
A new friendship's seedling soon I shall sow
Winding this up, I guess that's all
Winter is here
Up up and away to fall