
 In a corner she stands alone

Neglected and of course forlorn

Prone to all the jealousy and hate

This puts her in a boxed up crate

Of all the things that tear and grind

The insides of a heavenly mind

Neglected, dejected and of course sent away

She now has nowhere else to stay

If only now she can prove that she

Can be all that they expect her to be

Only then can she be adored galore

For all that she wishes for and more


Be yourself no matter who you are or who you will be. This poem is just a small glimpse of the piteous condition of today's world. You don't need to be a mirror of everyone else's opinions. You are YOU and let no one tell you any different. Even in the darkest times, you will be a star that shines brightest among the ever present darkness around.. Never lose hope and treat every individual with love and kindness. Remember what goes around comes around.


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